
Modules for 

hands-on computational modeling 

Trainings for Modeling and Simulation using MatLab, SimuLink and Comsol.

Why MatLab, SimuLink and Comsol (MSC)?  

MSC is integrated modeling software and is therefore superior to co-simulation.  Futhermore MSC can compile all models into (royalty-free) standalone apps. This is not only very handy but also shows that MSC is in full control of its own code.  

 This page contains 10 modules on modeling and simulation using MatLab, SimuLink and Comsol (MSC).  The best way to learn is by hands-on exercises.  After finishing all modules, you are really computoolable!

Before you can start creating models it is important that you get hands-on experience with MSC most important Tool

LUMPED 1D Modeling 

State-space models are based on ordinary differential equations  (ODEs) and matrices.  You need to have some basic  understanding  on these mathematical topics and learn how to work with them in MatLab

Create lumped models 

Create SimuLink models and include controllers 

Export and use your Matlab models in SimuLink

Learn flow-effort analogies and apply to lumped multi-physics modeling


Learn mathematical tools for 3D modeling

Hands-on experience using the best 3D multi-physics tool there is.

Export Comsol models in Matlab functions and SimuLink blocks

How to create models from papers, experiments and dedicated simulation software

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©CompuToolAble 2025

MatLab, SimuLink are registered trademarks of Mathworks Inc. which is not overseeing, involved with, or responsible for this activity, product, or service. Comsol is a registered trademark of Comsol Inc. which is not overseeing, involved with, or responsible for this activity, product, or service.